April 16, 2013

    Doris Eibelwimmer: EVOLVING - "A new dimension of Alive" 

    Upper-Austrian native Doris Eibelwimmer tells the tale of fantastic, ever growing and ever changing forms and shapes.

    Paper work plays with fantastic vegetative forms and layers in various planes. Images from actual memories and concrete experiences in nature are combined with associative images of organic structures. The artist lets the images outgrow the confinements of the canvas and lets them evolve and unfold. One can practically feel the motifs pass over into three-dimensional space and come to life.

    Fragile interwoven lines of ink, pencil and crayon alternate with glazed areas of watercolor, creating an active spatial presence. Individual strands of natural forms expand and leave the two-dimensional canvas as „Cut Outs", only to reenter the original structure of the painting elsewhere.

    Constant development is a recurring motif in the artist's work, which serves as an essential parameter for describing living organisms in natural sciences. It symbolizes the constant change of nature and represents its elusive process of growth.

    For more informtion on Doris go to http://www.eibelwimmer.com/ or contact: doris@eibelwimmer.com