The Power of Agile 

Electrify your path to success with Agile excellence

AGILE = Adapt+Grow+Innovate+Lead+Excel

Welcome to 'The Power of Agile' – the podcast that sparks the transformation your business needs! In a world where change is the only constant, agility is the key to thriving. Join us as we unravel the secrets of how Agile methodologies can turbocharge your business and supercharge your team's performance. Whether you're a seasoned business leader, a dedicated team leader, or simply an eager Agile enthusiast, this podcast is your source for actionable insights, real-world stories, and expert advice. Get ready to harness the power of Agile and steer your journey towards success!

the latest episode

Tech meets Agile: The code & coach approach

"Developing code is like baking a cake!" - Packed with valuable insights and practical advice, this episode will transform your approach to modern software development. Roland Germ provides his expert inputs on balancing technical skills with agile coaching, the future of Agile amidst technological advancements, and improving software development processes. Learn about effective coaching, hypothesis-driven development, and tackling common issues like messy codebases and technical debt. Tune in and elevate your coding game!

Listen to the podcast: Apple Podcast  |  Spotify

The Power of Agile - Podcast with Roland Germ

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your podcast host

Gurpreet Bhadesh

Gurpreet Bhadesh is a Cloud Consultant and a strong advocate of agile methodologies at Nagarro. Working across diverse industries, she assists clients in harnessing the potential of cloud services to realize their business objectives. Gurpreet's expertise lies in architecting robust cloud environments, establishing the cornerstone of a secure infrastructure for building fault-tolerant cloud solutions. She is deeply passionate about harnessing the power of data and machine learning to extract valuable insights and predict future trends.

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