Every day, we learn something new about diversity and individual potential, which changes the way we think, operate, and plan team compositions at work. Our experience with intercultural teams and people with Asperger's Syndrome has taught us about the power of neurodiversity and the unique talents of people who are perceived to be outside the "norm."
While neurodivergent people, including those with Asperger's Syndrome, have a difficult time finding work, they are the ones who are most likely to provide significant benefits to companies looking for new approaches to problem-solving.
At Nagarro, we are constantly exploring the potential of diversity and facilitating greater acceptance and inclusion of all people. We were particularly intrigued by people with Asperger's distinct logical-analytical way of thinking, their innate ability to process large amounts of data, and identify patterns and deviations while maintaining accuracy with an acute eye for detail. We considered this a highly specialized and necessary skill for software testing.
This marked the beginning of our long-term collaboration with Specialisterne Austria. We co-founded TestingPro, a training program for people with autism, about six years ago. The program assists them in honing their specific skills and preparing them to become qualified software testers.
Since the inception of TestingPro, we have qualified more than 60 neurodivergent test experts, with nearly 80% of them now working. And, from this year forward, we will provide additional training opportunities through the "AI and Data Assistant" certification. This way, we will be bringing twice as many trained talents into jobs that require precise knowledge and skills.
What have we learned from this experience? As it turns out, despite the challenges associated with Asperger's Syndrome, such as difficulty with small talk and social interaction, neurodivergent individuals bring an entirely new dimension to the team. With our support and a few simple adjustments, they can not only find a place for themselves in the brave new world but also thrive and exceed expectations.
"Recognizing and respecting differences in others and treating everyone like you want them to treat you, will help make our world a better place for everyone." – Kim Peek
At Specialisterne, they use the analogy of the albatross, the great seabird. The albatross is unique in its ability to fly over great distances without touching down. This is due to its enormous wingspan, which is unrivalled by any other living bird. However, this unique ability comes with a drawback: taking off and landing is extremely difficult. Specialisterne’s message to the world is that special abilities often come with limitations, and it is up to us to learn to accept this fact without being confounded by it. We should seek to identify the potential of all people with mindfulness and respect in order to truly transform our workplaces into welcoming communities that value diversity and divergent thinking.
People who think alike will achieve the same results over and over again with similar thought patterns and processes. It's not an individual who makes the difference - high performance comes from the collaboration of people who think differently and find innovative solutions with unique perspectives.
Are you interested in attending a training program or hiring a neurodivergent talent? Visit https://www.nagarro.com/en/caring-inclusion-neurodiversity-trainings-hiring or get in touch with me at aqt@nagarro.com