On 15th October 2013, Nagarro sponsored the Salesforce Customer Company Tour (#CCTNOR) at Stockholm, Sweden. The event is one of the largest Salesforce event in the Nordics region and was visited by around 700 people. This was the first time that we have sponsored an event of such a magnitude in Salesforce area.
Being the Silver Consulting partner to Salesforce, we got the opportunity to showcase our capabilities in Salesforce area to prospective customers. The event saw a huge footfall from Salesforce customers, partners, thought leaders, end users from Nordics, Europe, US and other parts of the world. The event was kicked off by a keynote from Polly Sumner, Chief Adoption Officer at Salesforce emphasizing the need of cloud technologies and to become a ‘customer company’.
Our kiosk was abuzz with entrepreneurs, businessmen, decision makers looking to shape out cloud solutions for their organizations. Nagarro team held in-depth discussions related to our methodology, delivery model, Salesforce experience and our ‘out of the box’ mobile demos were a hit amongst the audience that helped us to connect with them in a better and effective way. With a presentation running in the background about our company and Salesforce expertise, we talked to some of the biggest Fortune 500 companies explaining them our offerings and differentiating factors.
It was an excellent networking opportunity with a lot of insights from customers on how they are using cloud solutions to solve their complex business needs.