Cindy Wolf
Every quarter we send a survey to all of Nagarro’s clients asking them how we are doing across a range of parameters. A number of our clients are not sure what exactly happens after they hit that “send” button and how that data is used, so I thought it might be helpful to share some of that detail.
First, let’s talk a bit about how that data is used - and equally importantly – how it is NOT used. The data from the surveys is collected and analyzed to monitor for trends in Nagarro’s overall performance, customer satisfaction levels, and to identify areas where we can continually work to improve. It is NOT used to penalize any individuals or teams who get less than stellar feedback. Likewise, it is not used to reward teams who do get stellar feedback.
It is simply used as a mechanism to collect formal feedback across all active engagements across the globe. The data provides our organization with actionable insights that help us improve customer experience.
The last question on the survey: “If there was one thing about Nagarro that you could change, what would it be?” is treated differently by various customers. Some use that open-ended question to provide more detail or elaborate on their earlier responses. Others use it as an opportunity to share constructive feedback that we can use, or ideas on additional services they would like to see from us. There is no wrong or right way to answer this question, so please do answer it! We are truly eager to hear from our clients and we love reading the responses to this question on every survey.
So, what happens after you hit “send”? Some of our clients are surprised to learn that in the spirit of full transparency, the collated results of the quarterly surveys are published on Nagarro’s website.
If you are receiving your survey and not completing them, please do. We are very lucky to have so many engaged customers who regularly share informal feedback with us whenever possible. However, formal feedback mechanisms are equally vital to us. We really want to know how we are doing. Please share with full confidence that we want your most candid and honest feedback. We can’t do our best without that!