Damianos Soumelidis
The call for innovation in politics, business and society sounds almost like a threat nowadays. No doubt massive structural changes are underway – keyword “business disruption”. The best companies innovate and transform proactively. However, how does one tackle such a great, interdisciplinary, vague venture?
An approach can be found in IT, the field that has in many ways, initiated the current transformation movement. Let’s not forget: Industry 4.0, Analytics, Virtual Reality – the new visions of the future would not be possible without the corresponding technology concepts. Software, cloud infrastructure, platforms and services are the glue that hold the business model of tomorrow together. Hence, the underlying IT concepts are also part of the solution.
Combining innovative design with IT
There are endless possibilities for innovation. To create new ideas, one needs a collaboration platform. To implement them, a concept and resources. In large corporations, it is quite common to use dedicated innovation teams and future labs. However, most organizations lack resources, frameworks, and partners for such a task. Nagarro offers exactly that and assists businesses in designing their transformation process. To this end, Nagarro integrates the necessary innovation expertise with industry experience and an innovation methodology toolkit, which comes into action through workshops and lectures. We understand innovation design as a logical extension to IT consulting.
Connecting small steps
CxOs have been familiar with the key data required for business transformation for long. Nevertheless, projects lack innovation. A practical solution is to bring small steps and projects into context with a future vision. This objective is implemented through collaboration with specialists from several domains, for instance in dedicated innovation workshops.
After all, as Albert Einstein once said “Problems cannot be solved with the same mind-set that created them.”
Click here for quick tips that you need for innovation and business transformation.