Uniting sustainability and technology 

Sustainability is a business imperative. Why?

Because either you may want to make the planet a better place or to keep ahead of the ever-growing regulations. The results are the same: sustainability needs to be a priority.

It does not, however, need to be a cost. With the right strategy and framework, investing in a sustainable tech ecosystem can reduce costs and lead to major savings. 


We eliminate waste, inefficiencies, and redundancies. We also combine this with the humanistic side for an even greater impact.

It is simple. Instead of treating sustainability and your digital transformation as separate things, we succeed with both simultaneously. 

our EcoDigital engineering framework 

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how can we help you get started?

The first step towards eco-digital engineering is measurement

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  • Identify stakeholders for surveys and workshops
  • Align eco-digital vision and define the boundaries 
  • Gather necessary data for IT carbon baselining and maturity  
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  • Calculate the energy consumption and lifecycle carbon 
  • Identify the top IT emissions hotspots and levers 
  • Prioritize the levers based on abatement potential and effort
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  • List the top decarbonization levers across IT categories
  • Create a scenario analysis to understand the impact 
  • develop a three year high-level strategic roadmap 
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  • Articulate a detailed implementation plan 
  • Develop the RACI matrix, risk register and sustainability KPIs
  • Measure the return on investment, communication value and scale
EcoDigital Engineering

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