Cold chain monitoring

Ensure end-to-end visibility into temperature-controlled medicines with our cold-storage tracking app built on Simplifier platform.

The challenge: Maintaining quality in cold-chain

In the pharmaceutical cold-chain (a temperature-controlled supply chain), temperature-sensitive medicines and life-saving vaccines are often exposed to freezing temperatures that help maintain their quality and effectiveness. However, there are challenges regarding temperature control both on the logistical end and on the patient’s end. On the logistical side, pharma supply chains often struggle with optimal tracking and monitoring of the medicine stored in the facility.
Workers at a cold storage facility often depend on a paper-based approach to add the details about when a batch or sample was removed and stored back into required temperatures. The manual involvement causes delays and leads to degradation and loss of potency.

The need to digitize cold storage monitoring

An optimization solution can be deployed to digitize end-to-end monitoring in a cold storage facility. And the comprehensive solution should also provide an overview report that generates the total duration for which medicine was out of the cold storage and highlights anomalies.
With Nagarro's Low Code expertise, Pharma companies can discover new opportunities to optimize processes. Our cold-storage tracking app can establish a support model and enable end-to-end processes automation and real-time monitoring.

End-to-end optimization with low code

Built on the Simplifier platform, the cold storage tracking application digitizes manual processes and introduces end-to-end workflows for dual authentication of a new resource request.
The tracking app lets the worker know where the said product is at present, for how long it was removed from controlled temperatures, understand, evaluate, rectify any issues that need to be addressed, and take a look at the comprehensive picture during any point of time.
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One solution to multiple needs

A single low code application to cater solutions for the user, admin, and the overall business.
  • User management
  • Auto-logout management
  • Threshold for batch number management
  • Select desired cooling station
  • Scan and enter the order information
  • View reports
Key features
  • Process selection
  • Scan and login for users
  • Scan and identify batch numbers and production orders
  • Generate reports

Why choose our cold-chain monitoring app?


Real-time monitoring and control


End-to-end automation of processes


Prevent unnecessary inventory loss

Partner with our experts at Nagarro to navigate similar challenges and discover new opportunities for Low Code-driven innovation. We can be strategic enablers thanks to our ‘solving for value’ mindset, agile delivery process, with innovation at heart. We can help ideate, assess, and deliver value-driven applications across leading Low Code application platforms such as Mendix, Outsystems, Microsoft Power Apps, Simplifier, and more, with end-to-end capabilities to inculcate a scalable digital-first mindset.