success story

Automating processes with Assisted Reality

Eliminate the manual process done via pre-printed lists/logs in paper format and modernize the entire inspection workflow, which was tedious, time-consuming, error-prone, and poorly streamlined.
The inspector, equipped with Smart Glass, conducts inspections and documents defects with sound (audio), image, and video recordings. The inspector works through voice command-controlled Smart Glass. A web-based app integrated with the Smart Glass app manages the captured information.
Thanks to data collection via smart glass, acceptance reports can be generated at the touch of a button. By digitizing the entire acceptance process, 30% more bus acceptances can be carried out annually.
The inspection and acceptance of the post buses by the inspectors was massively simplified and shortened by the use of Smart Glasses. In partnership with Nagarro, a solution using the latest Assisted Reality technology has been implemented very successfully.
Christian Studnicka
Bus Technician, ÖBB-Postbus GmbH

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Nagarro worked towards the successful implementation of cutting edge Assisted Reality technology through this project to transform with innovative breakthroughs.