Nagarro signed a contract with the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) to provide AI, Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV) and Digital Assistant products and services.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Products and Services (DIR-CPO-5150)

Nagarro, Inc. offers Artificial Intelligence (AI) Products, Services, and Related Services through this contract. There are resellers available on this contract. The AI Technologies included with contract are the following: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV), and Digital Assistant (DA).
About the Contract
Products and services available under this Contract are limited to the technology categories defined in Request for Offer DIR-CPO-TMP-441 for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Products and Services. At DIR’s sole discretion, Successful Respondent may incorporate changes or make additions to its product and service offerings, provided that any changes or additions must be within the scope of the RFO. The Successful Respondent has been awarded the following Technology Categories:
Services - Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of technologies and platforms to accomplish these tasks. This category comprises of Respondents that can provide hyper-automation solutions, or the application of multiple AI technologies. These Respondents have the history and capacity to provide a comprehensive approach in guiding customers through an array of possible solutions. To be eligible for this category, the Respondent had to identify themselves as being able to provide products relevant to all other available categories identified in the RFO Scope.
Services - Machine Learning (ML)
ML is a process that uses rules and procedures to provide advanced statistical analysis or prediction without having to apply explicit
instructions. Machine Learning uses datasets streamed into models to describe, recommend, or forecast trends and patterns.
Services - Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
RPA is when a machine does work that might previously have been done by humans. RPA may learn how to perform such human tasks by observing a human’s actions through a graphical user interface (GUI) to then be able to repeat such tasks directly in the GUI. RPA technologies may perform complex tasks by automating actions across a number of software applications. Unassisted RPA, or advanced RPA that does not require any input from the user, is also included in this scope.
Services - Natural Language Processing (NLP)
NLP applies to a computer’s ability to process and analyze human (natural) language.
Services - Computer Vision (CV)
CV pertains to a computer’s ability to identify and process information from images, including multi-dimensional data, video, and digital images.
Services - Digital Assistant (DA)
DA performs tasks or provides services in response to commands or questions via speech or text (email, SMS, web browser, etc.). Advanced digital assistants may be programmed to learn from data input and continuously improve predictions of user needs.
Contract Details & Ordering Information
Products & Services
This contract offers the following products and services. Please contact the Vendor for the latest information.
Business Intelligence (BI), Data Management, Analytics, and Automation, including Data Warehousing
Contract Documents for DIR-CPO-5150
Contract documents include all essential contract documents for your procurement file.
How to order:
- For product and pricing information, contact: Kapil Nagpal, Nagarro Inc. 600 Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701, USA Phone: (408) 402-2182 Email:
- Generate a purchase order made payable to Nagarro, Inc. and you must reference the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-5150 on your purchase order.
- E-mail or fax your purchase order and quote form to your designated vendor sales representative.